
Version 2.0.0 Stable

Joomla! 5.x

Released on: Tuesday, 04 June 2024
Maturity Stable
Released on Tuesday, 04 June 2024

Release notes

  • New major release. Extension rewritten from scratch.
  • Econa is now a Joomla 5 native extension. No need for the compatibility plugin.
  • Added watermark functionality for article images and custom fields.
  • Added support for AVIF images.
  • Updated front-end modal script. No jQuery needed anymore.
  • Custom fields uploads are now saved using the field name in the path for improved SEO.
  • Joomla 5 dark mode support.
  • Seamless upgrade from Econa v1.x series.
  • Compatible only with Joomla 5.x series.
  • Removed K2 support since K2 is not available for Joomla 4/5.
  • Several minor fixes and performance improvements.

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Version 1.8.7 Stable

Joomla! 3.x Joomla! 4.x

Released on: Friday, 13 January 2023
Maturity Stable
Released on Friday, 13 January 2023

Release notes

  • Fixed: Econa now supports K2 v2.11
  • Generate missing WebP files when saving an article that has only jpeg images.
  • Fixed various issues when multiple custom fields of type Econa are present in the same form.
  • Add option to make crop action required.
  • Delete original uploaded image if the uploaded image format is different than the generated image format (in order to save disk space)
  • Several minor fixes and improvements.

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Version 1.8.6 Stable

Joomla! 3.x Joomla! 4.x

Released on: Tuesday, 05 July 2022
Maturity Stable
Released on Tuesday, 05 July 2022

Release notes

  • Fixed: Making Econa custom field required was broken under Joomla 4.

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Version 1.8.5 Stable

Joomla! 3.x Joomla! 4.x

Released on: Monday, 09 May 2022
Maturity Stable
Released on Monday, 09 May 2022

Release notes

  • Fixed: Article images file upload was broken after the last update

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Version 1.8.4 Stable

Joomla! 3.x Joomla! 4.x

Released on: Thursday, 05 May 2022
Maturity Stable
Released on Thursday, 05 May 2022

Release notes

  • Fixed: Custom field data is lost when using article batch move/copy.
  • Fixed: Article images media button was not working.
  • Fixed: Memory limit issues when uploading large files using the custom field integration.
  • Fixed: File upload was not working when using the latest version of JCE.
  • Several other minor fixes and improvements.

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Version 1.8.3 Stable

Joomla! 3.x Joomla! 4.x

Released on: Tuesday, 23 November 2021
Maturity Stable
Released on Tuesday, 23 November 2021

Release notes

  • Fixed: Extensions was not working in front-end editing for some cases.
  • Fixed: Installation issue under PHP 8.

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Version 1.8.2 Stable

Joomla! 3.x Joomla! 4.x

Released on: Monday, 27 September 2021
Maturity Stable
Released on Monday, 27 September 2021

Release notes

  • Fixed custom field CSS path (it's located to media folder since version 1.8.0).
  • Added a message to inform users that they need to select image sizes per view after saving the custom field.

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Version 1.8.1 Stable

Joomla! 3.x Joomla! 4.x

Released on: Tuesday, 20 July 2021
Maturity Stable
Released on Tuesday, 20 July 2021

Release notes

  • Fix broken image sizes options after updating to 1.8.0.
  • Econa custom field is now using "Edit Custom Field Value" permission in component and global level.
  • Fix minor issue in custom field front-end layout.

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Version 1.8.0 Stable

Joomla! 3.x Joomla! 4.x

Released on: Tuesday, 13 July 2021
Maturity Stable
Released on Tuesday, 13 July 2021

Release notes

  • Joomla 4 Compatibility
  • New administration UI for custom field and article images integration. Cropper now opens in a full screen modal.
  • Removed jQuery dependency. Econa is now using plain modern javascript. It is lightweight and faster than before.
  • WebP Images. Now Econa will generate a WebP for each image uploaded through the custom field. 
  • New front-end markup to support WebP images for custom field.
  • Front-end markup now includes image dimensions in order to improve Core Web Vitals and PageSpeed Insights/LightHouse scores.
  • Added option for disabling the media manager button in custom field and article images integrations.
  • Improved JCE media manager integration.
  • Moved inline (editor) images functionality in a new standalone plugin.
  • The plugin "Econa - Content" is now deprecated. It was used before Joomla custom fields were introduced.
  • Several other minor fixes and improvements.

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Version 1.7.6 Stable

Joomla! 3.x

Released on: Saturday, 23 May 2020
Maturity Stable
Released on Saturday, 23 May 2020

Release notes

  • NEW: Changed aspect ratios options. Now users can define any aspect ratio and even remove the defaults. NOTE: Users with custom ratios should update their settings after this update.
  • NEW: Added the ability to have Econa custom field image used in open graph meta tag for social sharing.
  • Minor fixes and improvements.

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Version 1.7.5 Stable

Joomla! 3.x

Released on: Monday, 16 December 2019
Maturity Stable
Released on Monday, 16 December 2019

Release notes

  • FIXED: Econa is now compatible with K2 latest backend design update. 
  • NEW: Option to automatically make Econa open the cropper when image is changed.
  • Several other fixes.

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Version 1.7.4 Stable

Joomla! 3.x

Released on: Monday, 22 July 2019
Maturity Stable
Released on Monday, 22 July 2019

Release notes

  • FIXED: Econa content images (responsive method): 1. Do not upscale small images. Add a width attribute because otherwise browsers are using the sizes attribute to display the images.
  • FIXED: View dependent display options for custom fields were broken.
  • FIXED: Custom field was not working with com_users.
  • NEW: Added support for JCE media manager for Joomla Article Images integration.
  • NEW: Added support for JCE media manager for custom fields integration.
  • FIXED: Validation issue when custom field is set as required.
  • FIXED: Article link generation in tag view.
  • Several other fixes.

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Version 1.7.3 Stable

Joomla! 3.x

Released on: Wednesday, 20 February 2019
Maturity Stable
Released on Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Release notes

  • FIXED: Econa Article Images was broken in frontend editing.
  • FIXED: Custom field was not working with categories other than com_content.
  • NEW: Econa article images storage path changed. Now the path that is used is MEDIA_MANAGER_IMAGES_PATH/econa-article-images/ARTICLE_ID.
  • NEW: Econa article images are deleted when an article is deleted.
  • FIXED: Econa custom field was not copied over when an article was copied.
  • FIXED: Some server setups and third party plugins are blocking access to /tmp directory. This was breaking Econa upload previews. Now Econa is using /media/econa/tmp directory for storing temporary files.
  • Several other fixes.

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Version 1.7.2 Stable

Joomla! 3.x

Released on: Wednesday, 01 August 2018
Maturity Stable
Released on Wednesday, 01 August 2018

Release notes

  • FIXED: Image not saved when Econa is used as a custom field in the latest Joomla version.
  • FIXED: Custom field integration was broken for categories.
  • FIXED: If intro and full image is the same file then append a suffix to the intro image filename. Otherwise both images will have the same dimensions.
  • Several other minor fixes.

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Version 1.7.1 Stable

Joomla! 3.x

Released on: Monday, 04 June 2018
Maturity Stable
Released on Monday, 04 June 2018

Release notes

  • FIXED: Use existing image functionality was broken for K2 under some server setups.
  • FIXED: Econa custom field was unable to handle .jpeg files.
  • Several other minor fixes.

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Version 1.7.0 Stable

Joomla! 3.x

Released on: Tuesday, 08 May 2018
Maturity Stable
Released on Tuesday, 08 May 2018

Release notes

  • NEW: Image editor for Joomla intro and full article images.
  • NEW: User defined aspect ratios for image editor.
  • NEW: Econa custom field image can now be used as a link to the article page.
  • FIXED: Do not upscale images when resizing.
  • FIXED: Custom fields integration was broken in front-end editing.
  • FIXED: Custom field value was not copied when an article is copied.
  • Several other minor fixes.

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Version 1.6.0 Stable

Joomla! 3.x

Released on: Monday, 11 December 2017
Maturity Stable
Released on Monday, 11 December 2017

Release notes

  • Added different display options per view when Econa is used as a custom field.
  • Article Images: Do not upscale images. Resize only if required (source width is larger than target width).
  • Several minor fixes.

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Version 1.5.0 Stable

Joomla! 3.x

Released on: Wednesday, 12 April 2017
Maturity Stable
Released on Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Release notes

  • Joomla! 3.7 Custom Fields integration: Add multiple resizable images using custom fields.

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Version 1.4.0 Stable

Joomla! 3.x

Released on: Tuesday, 28 June 2016
Maturity Stable
Released on Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Release notes

  • Added the ability to have different image sizes per category.
  • Fixed image preview issue in article form.

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Version 1.3.0 Stable

Joomla! 3.x

Released on: Tuesday, 21 June 2016
Maturity Stable
Released on Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Release notes

  • Added aspect ratio lock for crop operation.
  • Fixed PHP fatal error under Windows servers.
  • Flip operations were broken.
  • Fixed plugin options issue.
  • Updated all dependencies to their latest versions.
  • Several minor visual fixes.

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