#731 – Incorrect number of images

Status: Pending - Category: Showtime Image Gallery

I have just installed Showtime Gallery. It is posted on my website on a module location, rendered as PhotoSwipe with a carousel layout.
there are 24 images in the gallery, but it is showing as 51 instead.
How do I fix this?
Also, where are the images saved?

Thank you!

Walter Rojter
Hi Walter,

You are totally right. The carousel is cloning images to achieve the "infinite" pagination effect and this seems to confuse Photoswipe.
You can try to change either the layout from carousel to something else or change the lightbox to something different than Photoswipe.

If you have to use carousel and photoswipe together you will have to create a layout override and provide a custom option in order to disable the infinite effect.
I can provide the required code or even create the override for you. If you want to go this way, just create a new private ticket and include administrator credentials for me.

Hi Lefteris,

I have changed the lightbox to LightGallery and it works correctly.
I have however another issue.
It is the description area. We are a photography club and our galleries are for our competitions.
The description part is quite important for us, but it doesn't seem to work well with the showtime galleries.
It is common to have large descriptions and in this case, they overlap with the image.

It looks worst on a mobile device. The Title font is fixed, there is no way to change it. If I use a larger font in the description, the title looks even smaller. The thumbnails titles are quite large but very small in the lightbox.

I hope you can help me with these.
Hi Walter,

Of course I will help you. Is there a link so I can see the issue?
Most lightboxes have their own styles and design restrictions but maybe we can find a workaround.

Hi Lefteris,

Here is an example: https://kendallcameraclub.org/#lg=2&slide=9
Take a look on a mobile phone as well.

Thank you!
Not sure what would be the ideal solution for you. The text in the specific slide is too large, there is no way to have the full text and the image displayed on the same screen on mobile devices.
The only possible solution I see is to add a maximum height to the text section but in that case user will have to scroll in order to read the rest of the text.

Here is what is will look like: https://imgur.com/vMPxYcj

Please take a look and let me know. Any other ideas are welcome.

Hi Lefteris,

Unfortunately, it does not seem this is going to work for me.
Can you get me a refund?

I am sorry to hear that. We do not issue any refunds it's clearly stated in our terms of service.
I am still not sure what't the desired result you are trying to achieve. If this was clear I might be able to help you.


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