#1150 – Slideshow with thumbnails - Layout

Status: Closed - Category: Showtime Image Gallery

is it possible to display the thumbnails in the center?

It looks good here:

Not here:

Is it also possible to hide the thumbnails if there is only one image:

Thank you very muc :)
Hi Joachim,

Showtime Image Gallery is using Slick carousel and I don't think there is a way to center the thumbnails when there are fewer images than the number you have configured to display.
What you can do is go to the "Display" tab in the gallery and tweak the "responsive" settings for that gallery. You can set the "Items to show" option to 2 or 1 for that gallery that has only two images.

In order to hide the thumbnails when there is only one image you need to do the following:

1. Create an override for the slideshow.php layout. The location of the file is different depending on the integration type (custom field or gallery in the editor text). You can find detailed instructions at the documentation page https://www.firecoders.com/documentation/showtime-image-gallery#layouts
2. After you create the override, edit the file you created and edit lines 44 and 50 so they look like:
<?php if($gallery->params->get('layoutThumbnails', 0) && count($gallery->images)): ?>

If you need help with this please create a new private ticket and provide site and server access so I can create the layout override for you.



thank you very much.

I was setting this:
.slick-slider .slick-track, .slick-slider .slick-list { transform: none!important;}

so now, the thumbnails are in center :)

And for the second problem, this was helping:
<?php if($gallery->params->get('layoutThumbnails', 0) && count($gallery->images) > 1): ?>

Thank you very much :)
You are welcome.
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