#1110 – Selecting Showtime Gallery Layout

Status: Closed - Category: Showtime Image Gallery
Hi! I noticed that Showtime Gallery Layout can't be selected when I first upload images. That option disappears and gallery will be displayed in default layout. But when I click Showtime gallery editor button and go to Display tab, that option is there. Why I can't upload images and then select other options? It is not big deal but I forget the order sometimes 😉

One more question is related to thumbnails. Is it possible to manually crop some thumbnails if I'm not satisfied with hiw are they croped during upload?

Hi Nikola,

Can you please share more details? Which version of Joomla are you using?

I use Joomla 4.4.0 and latest Showtime Gallery 1.5.9
As you can see on video Custom fields allows to select images first and then set gallery layout.

Hi Nikola,

I have sent you over email the development version of Showtime Image Gallery. This version should fix this issue.
Please let me know if it works for you.

Hi Lefteris!
Your developer version works great. Thank you!
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