#1093 – order of images

Status: Pending - Category: Showtime Image Gallery
 In the module, I select "Slideswhow" presentation. How can I sort by date, created or modified, but descending?
Hi Francesc,

The module allows you to display several galleries. The order option in the module has to do with the galleries order, not images order. There is no descending option at the moment but we can add this at the future.

Images order can be changed manually by editing the gallery and move images to their desired position using drag and drop.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks for answering. That may be worth it to me.
Are the images within a gallery ordered in any way?
I just can't see it clearly. I have all the images named after dates, for example, 2022-08-12, 2021-07-11, 2020-01-15... and the sorting does not make sense. It sorts a few images correctly but then it sorts them wrong, for example, 2022-08-12, 2021-07-11, 2020-01-15, 2023-09-15...
I use the gallery to create a slideshow where I want to see the latest images first.
Hi Francesc,

As I wrote before images are displayed in the order that you place them in the administration area. If you want your latest image to appear first just drag and drop that image in the first position right after you upload it.


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