#1091 – Copied article Field gallery

Status: Closed - Category: Showtime Image Gallery
my question is related to this ticket #81 – batch articles: has this been solved in some way since its been posted? I actually think copying field values in Joomla is useful, just not in case of showtime field... unfortunately in my case (v1.1.3, joomla 3.10) copied article field value does copy the gallery but ties the same gallery id with 2 articles, so editing gallery in one article changes everything :/ (I would much prefer to not be copied at all, if possible).
Hi Darija,

Just tested Showtime Image Gallery 1.5.9 under Joomla 3.10.11 and the issue has been resolved. A new gallery is created when you copy an article with a Showtime Image Gallery custom field.
If I remember correctly this has been fixed since version 1.4.2 released on 2019.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you! I'll get the new version.
You are welcome.
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