#616 – Compatibility with YoothemePro dynamic content ?

Status: Closed - Category: Econa
 Hi Firecoders...
I have just bought Econa, so I'm not awared of all its functionnality.
I have tried the Joomla Core replacement image field, and I can get what I expect, so no problemo on this side.
But with the custom fiels, I can't get it dynamically in content view.
No image printed. Just a blank field with no content...
Do you know if there's any issue between Econa and YTP ?
If I use a HTML field to get Econa (instead of IMAGE field I have tried first), i get this code :
Looks like Econa plugin is not actif in YTPro. Is that possible or I miss something ?
Hi Stephan,

Econa is just a custom field and it should get rendered as long as the required custom field events are triggered. I am not sure if dynamic content is triggering the events or is something missing on our side. Please create a new private ticket and provide administrator and FTP credentials so I can troubleshoot this.

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