#1124 – Econa image size in backend

Status: Closed - Category: Econa
Referring to earlier ticket:
#938 – Econa field plugin - Image width in backend is fixed -> make it more flexible?

I am working on a site where e have a Econa custom field for a profile image. We have only set one size (150px). So the image uploaded is saved at this width. We also 'force' cropping to 1/1 to make it a square image.

After saving the custom field image it is shown at 300 px. So it's 'blown up'.

I believe you mentioned econa should check the largest available size (in thia case 150 px) and show the preview at that size. But this seems not to happen. Am I missing something?

Maybe max-width of .econa-preview-image should be set to the biggest file size set in the econoa field? With a max of 600 px?

Kind regards,
Hi Jip,

I have applied some CSS fixes for this, but the update has not been released yet.
I have just sent you over email to download the development version.

The developent version fixes the 'blowing up' of the small image and shows it at the right size. Excellent! Thanks.
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