#193 – Standalone-Module displaying images in original size

Status: Closed - Category: Showtime Image Gallery
There has to be a setting im missing.
I created a gallery in the component
I published the Module and set it up to display from JUST that gallery. Ok all of that part works just fine but.
the images in the gallery are HUGE files.

Im trying to have the module display them in a smaller size with a max with or height of 450 whichever comes first.

But instead its displaying all the images from that gallery, in their original sizes (like 700+ px) width / height.

(for this instance):
I have thumbnails turned off
Caption / Module Position / Titles -- all turned off as well
The only real setting i adjusted was the Viewpoint sizing. Edited everything to 450

Edit the gallery and set the thumbnail width and height options to 450. Set the "Thumbnail Image Resize Method" to "Fit" and click save.

This is all you need to do. The module will display the thumbnails not the main images. If you have taken those steps and still, it's not working for you, please create a new private ticket including administrator credentials so I can have a look.

Hmm. Almost the. The thumbnails appear now but they are below the main image. So right now it's working like a sideshow with selectable thumbs below it. Not bad but it hink this module doesn't do what id like it to. Itz possible it doesn't and that's ok.

Im trying to make a set of rotating images using a gallery and each image link to a specified url.
Can this be accomplished here?

Reason i ask is because i notice in the module settings, there is no adjustment for main images on or off
Can you please clarify? What's the main image? The gallery displays the thumbnails and when you click on them the large images are opened in a lightbox.

There is no option for disabling the lightbox or providing custom URLs. What you can do however, is use the slideshow template and then put the links in the image description.

Does this work for you?

ah ha. Understood. At least the Articles Gallery usage of it works perfectly for me.
Thanks very much. It still does (90%) of the trick LOL

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